Category: News

January 16, 2023

Communication- Language Of Horses.

Seminars with Tom Raney at the Miller Ranch. The three seminars with Tom Raney at the Miller-Ranch in January were very well received and the participants have asked for more seminars. on 14 February - fully booked on 21 February - there are still 2 places available. Horsemanship would not be the right term, it is

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December 30, 2022

Cominication-Horse Language

Tom Raney will hold another seminar at the Miller- Ranch on January 4, 2023. The past two seminars in December 2022 were a great success. There, the Miller Ranch boarders each had an hour of one-on-one instruction with their own horses. Horses and owners were taught about the 4 types of energy. Each lesson is tailored

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December 9, 2022

New Miller-Ranch Trail Horse Is Ready

Yankee's American Honey V.S is a very attractive Missouri Fox Trotter mare, 6th years old. She came to the Miller - Ranch when she was 3 years old. Her training as a trailhorse is now completed and will be documented with a video, as always , when the Miller-Ranch Trailhorse Standard is accomplished. Our trainee, Madlen

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November 20, 2022

Monument Valley Trail Ride

The Trail in the Monument Valley with the Missouri Fox Trotters of the Miller- Ranch is the Highlight of the Miller- Ranch trail program. Unfortunately, it has been cancelled in recent years due to the Corona Pandemic. It could not take place this year either. We will receive detailed information during February 2023 as to whether

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October 10, 2022

Trainee has learned Leadership

The Miller-Ranch shows here the first video with our very talented trainee Madlen Kaufmann from Germany. With Arizona Outlaw's Ferrari M.R. she achieved a very good result in Leadership. We will see more of her soon, what she learned at Miller-Ranch and what she applies very well.

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May 30, 2022

On Wednesday, May 28, 2022 Mo.Travis passed away at the age of 28 th

On Wednesday, May 28, 2022 Mo.Travis passed away at the age of 28 and went  over the Rainbow Bridge. Without illness, without pain. 4 years ago he took over the supervision of the foal herd. He is gone after a full life. We at the Miller-Ranch have a deep gratitude to him, he made a lot

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May 10, 2022

“Nabucco’s King Of The Road M.R.”

The junior breeding stallion "Nabucco's King Of The Road M.R." has completed his basic training to become a Miller Ranch Trail horse. Arizona Outlaw's Antonia M.R. and Arizona Outlaw's Kachina M.R. is covered with him. In 2023 we will see if his offspring will meet the high expectations

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April 19, 2022

First Riding for Antonia 7 years old charming girl

A long journey begins with the First Step. If you want to go far, you should start early. The first steps for man and animal make a not to be underestimated difference in which direction the journey goes. Joy and success motivate. Frustration leads to failure and demotivates, so it is not uncommon to give up.

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March 29, 2022

Velvet’s Nabucco M.R left to Germany

Velvet's Nabucco M.R., an Ambassador of the Missouri Fox Trotter, has left  Miller-Ranch and will arrive in Germany within the next days-. Proud owner is Heike Wessel, not new to the Fox Trotter Scene. The Wessel family has a very nice, modern outdoor stable in Coppenbrügge. They have  Missouri Fox Trotters for more than 20 years.

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February 3, 2022

Scottsdale Award 2022 for Miller-Ranch

Miller-Ranch Inc- Heimat der Missouri Foxtrotter -Erhält 2022 Best of Scottsdale-Auszeichnung Bereits im letzten Jahr war es für uns eine Überraschung, dass die Miller-Ranch Inc. mit dem Award ausgezeichnet wurde. Unter der großen Anzahl von beliebten Araber- und AQH-Ranches in Scottsdale, Arizona, hatten wir nicht erwartet, dass dieser Preis an die Miller-Ranch, einen Missouri Foxtrotter Zucht-,

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