Leadership Training Results with “Skye”
Skye is supposed to be a Missouri Fox Trotter, she is not registered. Also, what distinguishes a top Missouri Fox Trotter, the gait disposition to Fox Trot and Flat foot Walk is somewhat underdeveloped. If you are not familiar with gaits of the MFT, you will not miss it that much. There are also horses in this breed, with a Missouri Foxtrotter registration, that obviously do not have the Foxtrot in their heritage and also lack other qualities, that make this breed so special. In any case, Skye came to the Miller – Ranch with an attitude, that did not meet the requirements of a safe trail horse. Now, regardless of her gaits, Skye has an understanding, that it is better and safer for her to have a good leader at her side. A leader who is there, gives security and confidence, and you don’t have to be scared, you don’t have to try to escape from the unknown things you encounter in life.
Leadership is the term used for this part of the training at the Miller- Ranch.
The complete video with Skye and her trainer, Melanie Bihler, can be watched under “Training” -Videos